Squad name Formation Rating Attack Midfield Defense Chemistry

Not the worst

6 years ago

3-4-3 88 88 88 87 99

Not to shabby

6 years ago

3-4-1-2 88 91 88 83 100

89 rated & 100 chem

6 years ago

4-4-2 89 90 86 87 100

Reasonably good

6 years ago

3-4-1-2 88 84 89 88 100

Legend draft!!!

6 years ago

4-3-3 (2) 88 89 87 88 100

Future inform Liam Moore

6 years ago

4-2-4 89 91 88 82 100

First one of these done

6 years ago

4-2-3-1 87 90 85 86 100

First draft

6 years ago

4-3-2-1 88 87 87 89 100